04. Search Me
05. Above All Else
06. Majesty And Mystery (Awesome God)
08. There's No One Like Our God
09. Captivated
11. Turn Your Eyes

For more about Vicky Beeching click on her name in on the links list or check out www.vickybeeching.com

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

God in Pursuit

I have known this, but for some reason it has really been on my mind and ingrain itself more and more into who I am. It is a simple fact really, but it has been having a huge impact on my life the past couple of days. What is it you might be asking? Well, the fact that I am wanted, loved, pursued. God is in pursuit of me! He loves me, care about me, wants to know me for who I really am.
I read through the Bible and I stand amazed! It is a beautiful love letter. God created everything and pronounced it all as good. Adam and Eve were sinless and in complete communion with God. Then came the fall. We as Christians often forget this, we talk about how depraved the human race is without God (and it is) but we forget where we came from. We were created in the image of God, or as John Eldredge says in The Sacred Romance, "or more precisely, as a reflection of the Trinity." God is relational and so are we.
We run in fear of being found out in life. Everyone to an extent is afraid of deep intimacy. Really opening up ones heart to another and being completely vulnerable. Men run from their strength, thinking that they don't have what it takes. Women run from their beauty, not wanting to believe that they are the most beautiful woman in the world to someone. This is precisely what God is pursuing. He wants men to live in their strength and fight for an intimate relationship with Him. As men we must realize that our strength is not our own, it is God's strength and He wants us to stand up for Him, for His Church the Body of Christ, and for our wives, children, family and friends. He wants woman to live in their beauty.
"Lady Julian of Norwich was given a series of revelations into the sufferings of Christ and the glory of the gospel. She was taken into the heart of God and upon her return she concluded quite simply, 'We are his lovers.' The bridal imagery often fails to capture a man's heart, but consider: God is neither male nor female. Both genders together are needed to reflect his image and he transcends them both." The Sacred Romance
As we grow up, we formulate who we are based on the feedback of others. The question, "Who am I?" Is answered by another question, "Who am I to _______?" Fill in the blank with, your best friend, your parents, your boy/girlfriend, your wife/husband. This is how we formulate who we are. When we gain acceptance we cling to it and try to make that a part of who we are. When we get frowned upon we try to cut that out of our lives.
But I think the question we should be asking is, "Who am I to God?" Who has God created me to be? God tells me that I am:
1. Clay and He is the Potter: He moulds who I am.
2. A sheep and He is the Shepherd: guiding the way so I don't become lion food.
3. A Servant and He is the Master: I am welcome in the house
4. His child and He is my Father: I am a part of His family -- intimacy
5. His friend and He is my friend: This has the capability of offering more intimacy than Father and son.
6. His beloved and He is mine: This is the most intimacy that any relationship can offer.
God knows exactly who He has created us to be and He wants to tell us. If we would just let Him pursue us He would tells us! Who am I in God's eyes? I am His beloved and He pursues me everyday. Like a man and a woman getting to know each other during their engagement and marriage.
I am not what the world says I am! I am what God says I am!
I am my beloved's and He is mine!
Always <>< and Forever


Blogger Gregory said...

Awesome post! You even quote a Catholic Saint (There's hope for you yet ;) Just kidding!).

I love the progression of intimacy in your 6 points, from mere clay in the hands of a potter, up to pure relational intimacy: the bride of Christ! God created us to more than just reflect the Trinity, but to actually be caught up into His community of love, to enter into the relationship of the Trinity!

Wed Mar 30, 08:03:00 AM PST  

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